More firefighters are to be recruited across East Sussex.

Up to 17 new firefighters could join stations in Uckfield, Crowborough, New-haven, Lewes and Bexhill to provide full-time cover seven days a week.

Other full-time stations to receive new recruits would be Eastbourne, Hove and Brighton.

money to employ more front-line workers comes from the East Sussex Fire Authority's budget, agreed yesterday at the brigade headquarters in Eastbourne.

Des Prichard, chief fire officer and chief executive, said: "The budget set has given us greater flexibility to drive down risk in local communities. It will allow me to do more to stamp out that risk."

The budget was set at £28.8 million for the next financial year, an increase of about seven per cent from last year's £26.9 million.

The money will also be used to buy an aerial ladder platform for the Hastings station and provide on-board computer facilities in fire engines.