It is shocking to hear of the callous indifference or neglect of duty in Brighton Police's recent failure to reply to 999 calls (The Argus, January 29). Whether gay or straight, this victim could easily have lost the sight of both eyes by being kicked in the head, for the retinas are easily detached.

Insofar as this was a gay attack, the insulting police response is an affront to the gay community in Brighton and Hove who (willingly) take (on average) disproportionately fewer community benefits and are usually extremely law-abiding and public-spirited themselves.

Local police have made great efforts to be more gay-friendly but it is hard to escape the fact the police service - like many others - is riddled with lazy and discourteous employees who detract from the excellent work of the exemplary officers who really do exist.

It is surely about time, now the new chief constable has long replaced his disgraced predecessor, that standards are conspicuously increased across the board and bad officers and practices dismissed.

Helping the afflicted is a core police duty, not a luxury service to be provided on a whim.

-Richard Long, Lansdowne Place, Hove