David Pavitt of Crossover is right (Letters, January 25). Brighton and Hove needs a moral and righteous revolution.

As he says, we must mobilise those who really care about their neighbours and who are willing to get on their knees before almighty God on behalf of our city and plead for mercy.

Being a Christian minister, David will also be spreading the good news that people can be delivered by the power of Christ in their lives as they turn to him in repentance and trust.

There are many people in the churches of this city who were once in the grip of drugs but who are now completely liberated through God's love and are truly "new people".

So, David, carry on the good work, not only of praying but also preaching the Gospel.

Let us all remember the old city motto of Glasgow: "May Glasgow flourish by the preaching of the word and the praising of God's name."

-Reverend John Webster, Gleton Avenue, Hove