Some new train carriages passing through Brighton station have small end compartments to accommodate two wheelchairs or four bicycles, plus a wheelchair and nappy-changing toilet.

A passenger communication alarm is also in the compartment.

South Central Trains gives priority to wheelchair users but it appears no cyclist will be thrown off a train in mid-journey.

At the discretion of on-train staff, if wheelchair space is needed en route, bicycles will be moved to sliding-door vestibules. What happens when a train is crowded?

The existing slam-door train toilets do not open directly into the passenger compartment, as they do on some new trains.

Surely such design faults, including modernisation of the old third-rail power supply to accommodate new train power demand, should have had consultation at planning stage rather than when the trains are in service?

South Coast stations accommodate more than 100,000 bicycles each day. When railway companies were for passengers as well as profits, motorbikes and cars could be put on trains - a useful strategic integrated transport policy.

-John Stanaway, Lorna Road, Hove