How miserable that V Croft (Letters, January 3) has to throw such jibes as calling someone a "braying Tory" just because they dare to challenge Cherie Blair of being less than frank.

V Croft may well be a drama teacher but he is clearly not a good judge of real sincerity.

Anyway, it is not just about misunderstandings or party politics, it is about being honest and Cherie Blair put her-self in a position where she appeared to be less than that.

It is also true Ms Blair loves the limelight, more so than any other PM's partner I can remember, so it's a bit rich when she "does a Diana" and complains about juggling balls.

So, to V Croft, I simply say everyone has an opinion of what the truth behind it all was and I believe it was somewhere in the middle of the two accounts.

But do not try to mute expression of opinion with such simplistic and arrogant attacks, please.

There is nothing wrong with being a Tory, nor being a Labour supporter. I simply happen to support "none of the above".

-Adrian Coleman, Belgrave Street, Brighton