Clearly, Press reports that congestion charging is likely in many South Coast towns will be of concern to some, but are those fears justified?

Of course, mobility is difficult because of our run-down transport system and policies that have encouraged long-distance commuting by car.

But is congestion charging or building more and bigger roads the answer? We think not.

Results of studies undertaken by motoring organisations show the number of untaxed vehicles continues to rise and the increase in unlicensed or unfit drivers gives rise for serious concern.

It is our contention that if those drivers and vehicles were removed from the roads - as well as habitual speeders and those kamikaze white van drivers - the problem would be eased.

The result, more space for the law-abiding road user, less likelihood of congestion charging and a safer, more relaxing journey.

-Ian Brookes, South Coast Against Roadbuilding, PO Box 4144, Worthing