There has been a distinct change in letters from councillors published in recent months. All of a sudden, they are not content with attacking each other but also seem to attack members of the electorate. One senses they are feeling a little unloved.

Well the reason, Councillors Battle, Oxley, Bodfish, Barnard-Langston, Simpson et al, is we are all fed up with the lot of you.

We are fed up of trendy campaigns. We are fed up of poor services. We are fed up of your childish bickering. We are fed up of your arrogance.

Instead of attacking those that criticise you, start representing us rather than your parties. Start getting basic services working instead of launching yet another publicity stunt. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen - or, at the very least, Brighton and Hove.

-Ian Slater, Mill Rise, Brighton