A Sussex courier service is celebrating its first birthday six months early.

Dennis O'Sullivan and Andrew Newton, Lewes based regional franchisees for Fastway Couriers, have already reached their targets for the first year.

Mr Newton, a former director of Camelot, said the firm had a lot to celebrate.

He said: "We already have more than 270 customers -

not bad going for a company which only came into the courier market in April.

"Our target of having 15 courier vans on the road in Sussex has been reached and a further six will be joining shortly. We are very proud of our customer base, which includes household names such as Halfords and Currys."

The firm was ahead of target on revenue and under target on costs which allowed it to continue to invest and grow the service.

Even more pleasing was the excellent feedback from customers. A satisfied customer meant repeat business and recommendations.