As a child, I used to watch the old crocks with Grandad.

It was a special moment watching these great feats of engineering rumble down Preston Road, Brighton, the drivers and passengers often wearing period clothing.

They would wave or sound their horns. Sometimes they broke down and we would cheer them on as they were pushed to the finish line.

I took my own children to watch and now I have grandchildren I will do the same with them. These old cars are part of our engineering history and give much pleasure to enthusiasts and other interested people.

I understand cars emit dangerous fumes and can contribute to asthma, cancer and respiratory diseases.

So do aeroplanes and, probably, trains. We should all be aware of these dangers and do our best to ensure our cars pass the emissions tests.

Modern technology does its best to eliminate such problems. Jonathan Chowns wants a car-free city in which we can cross the road without risking our lives. In a car-free city, there would be no ambulances, delivery transport, police cars or hearses.

A pedal bike will not do - this is the real world.

As for safely crossing the road, there are crossings. Pedal bikes can be a nuisance, too.

Riders often go through red lights, ignore traffic rules and cycle on the pavement, causing danger to pedestrians - and they get away with it. They do not have to have insurance or pay road tax.

-Angela Reeves, Hollingbury