If Jonathan Chowns had lived in the age before motor cars, he would really have known about exhaust fumes in towns.

Horse travel was the norm and many thousands of people died from respiratory diseases caused by the fumes of steaming horse urine. The air is much cleaner now.

Why do we insist on worshipping motor cars? Because they are one of the greatest inventions ever.

Without them, people in Brighton and Hove and Worthing would again refer to each other as foreigners since it would take nearly all day to travel from one place to the other.

Most businesses would cease to exist except for the village community type. People's horizons are widened tremendously by cars and motorbikes. They can travel to destinations that would be impossible, or at least highly impractical, to reach by public transport.

Mr Chowns' letter is typical of the brainwashed attitude caused by anti-motoring propaganda.

He is a throwback of the sort of people who used to carry out witch-hunts in medieval times. These gullible folk used to blame witches for poor milk yields or bad weather.

Now they blame the motor car. With our increased population, we no longer have enough land on which to grow hay for all the horses needed to replace cars.

-Chris Gould, Georgia Avenue, Worthing