A couple who have transformed the lives of hundreds of orphans will be given a national award in recognition of their achievements.

Geraldine and Geoff Booker are regarded as honorary parents by 400 orphans in the Ugandan village of Kabbubu.

Now their work has also been recognised by the Celebrities Guild of Great Britain, which has named them among the country's most remarkable unsung heroes.

The couple, who live in Hailsham, first became involved with the orphans of Kabbubu three years ago.

Geraldine visited the area as part of a trip to Uganda with friends from her church in 1999.

Once there, local pastor George Walakira told her the village once had a medical centre built by white settlers, which fell into disrepair in 1935.

Since then, the elders had always predicted white people would one day come back to help the villagers of Kabbubu.

Mrs Booker said: "Something about that story haunted me. It was like a spell that had to be broken."

The couple returned a few months later to see if they could help.

They were greeted by 400 children, mostly orphaned by Aids, who were bursting with ideas and hope.

Mrs Booker said: "It was such an overwhelming feeling with all these children, barefoot and dressed in rags, looking at us for help.

"I felt like I just wanted to escape and go home because it was too much for us to deal with. But I knew it was already too late for that."

The couple set up the Quicken Trust and began dedicating their lives to helping the Aids-ravaged community.

By giving talks at schools and community groups, organising events and contacting sponsors, the couple have raised enough money to build a school for the orphans.

They have also raised nearly enough to build a medical centre, accommodation for teachers, a football pitch and a borehole for clean water.

With their help, the lives of all the villagers are being transformed.

Mr and Mrs Booker have been recognised along with seven other unsung heroes for their extraordinary commitment.

The award ceremony will take place at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington, London, on November 10.

Celebrities, including Adam Faith, Anthea Turner, Brenda Blethyn, Carol Barnes, Charles Dance and Fatima Whitbread, will be attending the event to present awards to the winners.

The Celebrities Guild Unsung Heroes Award is now in its 20th year. All proceeds from the evening will go to Barnado's.

Mrs Booker said: "We are honoured to be given this award and would like to thank whoever it was who nominated us.

"But the real unsung heroes are the orphans and community in Kabbubu who live in such desperate and destitute conditions.

"This award should really be for them."

To contact Mr and Mrs Booker through the Quicken Trust, write to PO Box 113, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 4US, or telephone 01323 832361.