As two local residents who attended throughout the Saltdean badger protest, we would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Trevor Weeks and Lindy King of the South Downs Badger Group for not only bringing the badgers' plight to everyone's attention but also for their sheer determination and stamina in standing their ground through cold nights and driving rain to ensure the badgers' future was secured.

We would also like to thank the vast number of people, the majority of whom were Saltdean residents, who joined together to show support for these animals.

Although this was reported as a protest, it was entirely trouble fee and peaceful and goes to show what "people power" can achieve.

Let us hope the badgers can now be relocated and have a long, happy and undisturbed life.

Finally, many thanks to the reporters and photographers from The Argus for their superb coverage.

-Ann Smallwood and Eileen Cawte,