A Sussex holidaymaker has described the scenes of carnage he witnessed as he fled a bar after the Bali bomb attack.

Ahmad Zabadne, 24, told how he "saw dead people all over the place" with their clothes torn from their bodies by the intensity of the explosions.

The blast, which killed an estimated 188 people, including 18 Britons with 15 more still missing, is being blamed on Islamic extremists.

Mr Zabadne, who returned to Britain yesterday morning and is staying with his family in Crowborough, had been drinking in the bar at about 11pm with three other friends, all Leeds University graduates, when the bombs went off.

He said: "There was a huge bang. There were two bombs. One was outside Paddy's and one was outside Sari's. The one outside Paddy's went off first.

"The bomb went off and everything immediately went black. Everybody's immediate reaction was to run to the exit.

"As soon as we got out of the bar, people just started running in every single direction. I was running around in a state but I tried to think logically and find my friends."

He found a badly injured woman crying out for help and he and another survivor carried her out to find an ambulance. He found two of his friends but was unable to locate the fourth one of his group.

Later, realising he would not find him among the wreckage, he began to make his way back to his hotel, where he saw more of the bomb's gruesome aftermath.

"I walked past this bloke who was about my age. He was crying his eyes out. He said 'my mates are in there' and pointed towards what used to be where the Sari club was and it was full of fire. I didn't know what to say."

Back at the hotel, all of the friends decided to call their parents at home. None of them had yet heard news of the blast.

Mr Zabadne suffered a perforated left eardrum in the blast and was seeing a specialist to see if it could be repaired. He and his friends also suffered cuts and bruises.

He added: "I am not really traumatised. I think I am still in shock. I haven't had any bad dreams yet."

Travel agents across Sussex have been warning holidaymakers not to travel to Bali following Foreign Office advice.

Prime Minister Tony Blair was due to make a statement on the bombings to the Commons today.