The last time I saw Sean Lock, he wore a green cat suit and spent the best part of the act fingers over forehead, pretending his hairline had grown back.

So, unsurprisingly, I remembered him as being a bit zany and physical - although it should be emphasised the cat suit was part of a gag and only emerged right at the end when he stripped off his suit.

This time, there was nothing under the suit - or at least nothing Sean chose to reveal.

Instead, the suit itself became the focus for the audience, which spent at least five minutes taking the mickey out of it.

It was a particularly dingy shade of brown and he was wearing it with a black shirt but it didn't merit quite the disapprobation the crowd lobbed at it.

Still, the exchange brought up the best putdown I have yet heard from a comic - Sean, responding to a group of rowdy barrackers laughing at his sartorial glitch, asked: "Are you on a hen night then?"

When the girls shouted back "no", he replied: "There's a surprise".

Sean's laid-back, sardonic style and his slightly weird take on life made for a consistently amusing evening.

He touched on anti-Americanism, the appropriate occasions for a good swearing session - and the funniest section, a bit of imaginary budgie-bashing.

Finishing it all up with the assurance that everything he had said was a lie, Sean gave the routine a satisfying beginning, middle and end feel.

He may not have been as zany as I remembered but that didn't make him less funny.