Introduce free travel for pensioners, provided they surrender their driving licences and dispose of their vehicles.

This will considerably reduce the amount of cars on the road, reduce on-street parking and use of parking spaces, thereby reduce the numbers of accidents, thus saving the already overstretched resources of the NHS.

Eyesight and reaction times deteriorate with age and this is surely the cause of many accidents.

Encourage a more healthy lifestyle for pensioners by them walking more and getting out and about, thus reducing visits to the doctor.

Buses and trains very often operate half-empty but still emit pollution. Improve the environment through a reduction in pollution and general wear and tear on the roads.

All road users will benefit from a reduction of vehicles on the road.

Free travel passes for pensioners would relieve congestion at bus stops and booking offices. Cover the costs of the free passes by adding one penny to the cost of a litre of fuel.

By October, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will provide free travel for their pensioners. Why not England?

-Roy King, North Road, Lancing