Whether we like it or not, most European countries are in a more stable position economically.

What we pay in the UK is always far higher but for a few exceptions and there is no recognisable change made to show for it.

Whoever wants a football stadium can chip in and pay for it without expecting me to give a damn.

Okay, I admit I have been to France and bought alcohol, cigarettes, cosmetics and even a car but that is simply because I had to in order to be able to afford such things.

Why shouldn't I pay £1.20 for a packet of cigarettes?

The millions of pounds in tax levied here clearly aren't put into our third-rate NHS. Why shouldn't I pay one-third of the price for alcohol and why shouldn't I be able to drink it in a seafront bar at 3am?

Nivea facial cream costs £1.40 in France and a little more in Spain.

I can fly there on EasyJet for £20 return. A car is a car and I recommend you buy abroad if you want one (Ford Focus, £10,500 in the UK, £8,600 in France and £7,900 in Spain).

The rot starts at the top in the UK and goes all the way through to bootleggers and dodgy car dealers.

I can't stop the rot so I go where there is less.

-Marjorie Williams, Brighton