Carol Ramsden (Letters, September 19) would be right to question Green Party involvement in the "No to the euro" campaign if it were funded by large corporate interests.

It is not - only individuals are allowed to donate, although some of these may well be famous because of their public business lives.

The organisations that have the most to gain from unfettered globalisation will be fighting for a Yes to further their economic interests.

UK Greens believe globalisation runs counter to the interests of local communities, local economies and, ultimately, the interests of humanity.

We have a vision of an internationalist world but not a centralised globe under the control of a few powerful corporations.

Brighton and Hove Greens will continue to campaign effectively on local issues for local elections but that does not mean we will ignore the national, international and global issues that help shape our overall policy.

-Coun Rik Child, Islingword Road, Brighton