Battlefield 1942 is one of the most ambitious games to hit the PC this year.

It sets out to deliver first person gaming thrills in a semi-realistic backdrop of the Second World War -

only more so.

Where Medal Of Honour:

Allied Assault tended to be linear, filmic and centred on Europe, this game is vast.

It opens up four theatres of operations, Europe, Russia, the South Pacific and North Africa, and takes in D-Day, Iwo Jima, Midway, Operation Market Garden, Tobruk, Kursk and Stalingrad.

The gamer can join battle as a soldier from either the Allies or the Axis powers and there is a choice of five units.

Scouts act as snipers and forward artillery observers, anti-tank bombadiers carry a bazooka, the assault class carries a versatile automatic rifle and medics have the ability to patch up the wounded.

The most useful unit is the engineers who carry a rifle, landmines, plastic explosives and an adjustable spanner, which can be used to disarm enemy mines and repair vehicles.

The infantry can operate any number of vehicles, from jeeps and tanks to planes and boats to cannon and ak-ak guns -

far more than in any comparable game.

While the game is a satisfying solo player, there are numerous dedicated web communities and up to 64 players can join a game online.

Price: £34.99.

Feel good factor: 8 out of 10.