It is hard to start thinking of winter when the weather is as lovely and warm as it has been during the past few weeks.

Of course we are into autumn now and by evening time we are beginning to feel the need for some heat indoors.

This is especially true when you are a member of the Third Age and inclined to be susceptible to the cold.

It is for this reason Age Concern is launching a Fight the Freeze campaign, to bring home to the older members of our society the dangers of ignoring the onset of winter.

This year the campaign coincides with Age Concern Week, which runs until Friday, and will be nationwide in highlighting the problems associated with older people, not just in connection with cold weather but to remind people there are other things Age Concern does all year round on behalf of the more vulnerable members of society.

They have produced an excellent pack of leaflets covering all sorts of services which are relevant to older folk. There is a free pack which deals specifically with the question of keeping warm but there are also other excellent leaflets which offer help and advice on a variety of matters as widely differing as a nail cutting service for those who find this a difficult task to such things as a computer drop-in centre and a counselling service.

There is also Trans Age Action in which older people pass on lifetime skills to younger generations, many of whom are the product of broken homes or may have no contact with grandparents for whatever reason and so have missed out on traditional ways of learning, for example cooking, storytelling and social skills generally.

Information on these and other activities can be found at the Age Concern offices at 57 Ditchling Road, Brighton, from Mondays to Fridays between 10am and 4pm, and 71 George Street, Hove, which is a drop-in centre and open most weekday mornings.

Age Concern is also a good centre to find out about other agencies that may be able to offer you help with a particular problem, such as legal matters.

There is even the offer of 15 minutes of free legal advice from a number of local solicitors, which would probably be sufficient to help you decide if you needed more extensive help. The advice service also offers details on insulation, heating systems and, very importantly, energy efficiency.

When you read statistics which tell you that in the winter of 2001 there were 25,000 extra deaths due to cold weather you can see what a vital service the organisation is providing with its free pack of information.

Age Concern has to raise its own funding and relies very heavily on volunteers. The offices in Brighton and Hove are always happy to talk to interested people who feel they may like to volunteer for some of the many and varied activities it is involved in.

Many of those are very suitable for fit and active older people to take part in.

Members of Age Concern will be visiting nine libraries in Brighton, Hove and Portslade during Action Week so do look out for posters at your local library telling you when you can contact volunteers who are already working with the organisation. If you would like a free pack about winter heating hints, you can get one from Annette Goddard on 01273 570732.

She would also be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate person if you feel like volunteering.

It could help to keep you young!