Recently, I attended an inspiring meeting of people from Brighton going to the European Social Forum.

This is a big event happening in Florence in early November to discuss alternatives to a world dominated by unaccountable multinational companies with no regard for human poverty, disease or the environment.

As we saw at the Earth Summit, you cannot entrust responsibility for the planet to the very people who are destroying it.

The Forum will also be about people coming together against militarism and imperialism.

As we approach a war on the people of Iraq, Florence will be a powerful voice saying enough of intervention into other countries in the name of oil and power.

The meeting at the Brighthelm Centre was an impressive display of the concern local people have about what is happening in the world.

The slogan first heard at the World Social Forum in Brazil - "Another world is possible" - will be carried on to Florence by us.

-Dr Khaldoon Ahmed, Roedean Crescent, Brighton