Our story about a mystery remembrance plaque triggered nostalgic memories for one of the dead man's old schoolmates.

David Geddies contacted us after reading about the tribute to Brian Blacker in The Argus yesterday.

Sally Kennedy found a plaque in Mr Blacker's name outside her house in Harrington Road, Brighton.

Mr Geddies, of nearby Bates Road, remembered Mr Blacker from Balfour Road School in the Fifties and Sixties.

He said: "He was a very good footballer, and Balfour Road had a very good team back then - we used to beat everyone.

"Seeing the story reminded me of when we were kids growing up at the same time. Every night we'd be out playing football in the streets.

"It's not like today when you're afraid to let your kids out in the evenings."

Mr Geddies hopes one of Mr Blacker's relatives gets in touch to reclaim the plaque, though he has lost touch with the family.

The plaque reads: "In loving memory - Brian Blacker, 1939-1994 - God bless."