Matthew Davis says he was surprised to see an advertisement in last week's Property section for The French Apartments.

The apartments are at the former French Convalescent Home in Kemp Town, Brighton, which The Argus fought to save three years ago.

He recalls we urged people to "stand up" for the elderly residents who were evicted and attacked developers for profiteering by trying to demolish the building and replace it with flats.

He continues: "Will The Argus now be donating the money it makes from this and future advertisements to the former residents of the home that you emblazoned across your front page?

"Let's hope they are still alive as the Voice of The Argus (November 3, 1999) said 'sometimes the old people die from grief' when moved out of their care homes.

"I don't blame The Argus for taking the developers' money. What I do object to is the paper pretending to have high moral values and then doing a complete U-turn without a second thought for the pensioners it once proudly plastered over its pages."

Mr Davis has obviously forgotten the rest of the story. Yes, we fought vigorously to keep the home open but we failed.

However, we saw the residents were successfully rehomed and helped promote the new care business set up by the home's general manager Catherine Gennaro. Sadly, that too has since gone under.

We also ensured the building was granted listed status, which stopped it from being demolished by the then developers and forced them to sell up. The buyers were the current developers now advertising with us.

I don't see anything hypocritical about our stance, especially as The Argus said on August 2, 2000: "Converting the home into flats may not be the outcome which the campaigners had been hoping for but it seems be the only option left."

Portslade correspondent Penny Gilbey gave the wrong date for the Mile Oak WI Flower Show in last Wednesday's Extra.

WI spokeswoman Norma Pontin tells me the event is at the community centre in Chalky Road, Mile Oak, tomorrow from 2.30pm. More details from Norma on 01273 275241.

Claire Petulengro's stars gave us another problem last Friday when the monthly predictions for both Gemini and Aquarius referred to April!

Gemini John Rackham, from Brighton, says: "Excitingly- now being 76 - I was promised that new love interests would make for a lively April! Was this a long-range forecast (in which case I hope I can remember that far ahead) or is April the name of the lady designated to ignite my flame?"

Er, not sure, John, but please let us know when whichever April it is arrives.

The Southwick Players' Ron Common says many thanks for Barrie Jerram's appreciative review of Act Too's production of Bugsy Malone published on Monday.

However, he says it was a pity we used a picture of another group of children with the review instead of the correct one, which we had used for the preview.

"Our kids are so disappointed that others will get the credit for their hard work. I think an apology should be published that will enable Act Too to receive the accolades and recognition they deserve." I agree. Sorry and well done, boys and girls.

Gerald Spicer, from Portslade, spotted in Saturday's paper we had flipped the picture of Sussex flying ace Cecil Pashley that accompanied the story about his widow Vera's birthday celebrations.

"Disgraceful," moans Gerald. "With his sports jacket buttoned the wrong way and his top pocket hanky, tie and hair on the wrong side, the whole thing was a shambles. Dear Vera must have shook when she saw it."

Thanks, Gerald, and sorry for any offence, Mrs Pashley.