Organisers have cancelled a festival at the last minute after their chief walked out.

The Whitehawk and Manor Farm Festival was due to take place this weekend in Brighton.

But the festival queen, stall holders, children's entertainers and caterers have all been told to stay at home.

The cancellation happened after the chairman of the Whitehawk and Manor Farm Festival Committee, Eddie Cope, left a month ago.

He was succeeded by Gary Rolf, who organised the area's jubilee celebrations.

Mr Rolf said the committee had come to a "joint decision" to cancel the event.

Mr Rolf said he felt there was not enough time to organise the festival, so he would rather scrap it than put on a poor show.

He said: "I stepped in to try to save the day but if I'm going to run an event I want to make it worthwhile.

"The committee reached a joint decision.

"My idea for next year is to have a big celebration that touches everyone - old and young.

"It isn't easy to jump into someone else's shoes and run an event like this.

"I wouldn't have felt comfortable taking over someone else's ideas."

Mr Rolf, 30, of Manor Farm, said he was looking forward to "one big festival next year".

He wants to put on a children's carnival procession and will encourage local businesses to get involved.

He is planning at least four fund-raising events prior to the festival.

Resident Fred Netley, 69, said: "It's a great pity it's not going ahead.

"We've had a festival for many years in Whitehawk and I can't remember when one was cancelled before."