Hello, it's daughter here. I thought as it is the holidays I should have a go at this column-writing stuff.

I mean it can't be that hard if a boring grown-up like Mum can do it.

I am hiding in the spare room where the computer is to stay out of Mum's way. I am staying out of Mum's way because, when I was making some really cool chocolate and strawberry flavoured smoothies this afternoon, I forgot the number one rule about making sure the liquidiser lid was firmly in place.

It wasn't really my fault because I got a bit distracted when the dog was trying to help himself to some of the mixture and anyway accidents do happen, don't they? I know they tend to happen to me quite often but I can't help that, can I?

Anyway, the holidays have been really boring so far because Mum and Dad have had to work most days which means I have to go to my Nan's.

At least she doesn't harp on about me eating healthy food all the time and gives me proper teenage stuff like doughnuts and pizzas.

Yesterday was good because Dad was off so I took him shopping. Unfortunately I forgot my purse so he had to pay for everything.

I think he really enjoyed going round all the interesting shops I like. Mum only ever takes him to B&Q or the supermarket. We spent ages in Claire's accessories and then we went to the bead shop before stopping for a break at McDonald's. After that we went to the jewellers to look at a really nice necklace which I have wanted for ages and then we went to check out the cool new CDs at HMV. All in all it was a very good day.

Last weekend I decided to get rid of all the stuff I had cleared out of my room the week before by going to a car boot sale. I had to have a word with Grandad because we needed him and his car to do it. I don't think he minded getting up at 5.30 so we could get there for 6.

That kind of thing doesn't bother grown-ups, does it? But I know I minded. As a teenager I am not supposed to be awake at that time unless I have been up all night. Consequently it was a bit difficult doing the getting-out- of-bed thing.

Mum and Grandad were sitting in the car by the time I managed to drag myself downstairs. They looked a bit cross but maybe they were just sleepy.

Anyway, I sold all my stuff and so now I am rich and have enough money for the rest of the holidays, which is just as well because I think so far I have had my pocket money in advance until about 2004.

Mum should be back next week. I think she will have finished cleaning the kitchen by then.

Poor you, I bet you prefer my column to hers.