I find it somewhat strange that Craig Turton (Letters, June 19) chooses to attack Councillor Brian Oxley and the local Conservative Party for having the temerity to suggest new ways of doing things in Brighton and Hove.

The problems with education, homelessness and affordable housing are all too apparent. However, given the Labour Party has been in control for some years, I fail to see how blame can lie anywhere but at its doorstep.

Coun Oxley and the Conservative group have taken the bold decision to publish a policy paper months before any election so local people can see the general themes that will be pursued if the Tories come to power. If transport, education and policing are not top of the political agenda, I don't know what is.

Perhaps, before criticising, it may be worth asking what the other parties stand for and, more importantly, can they be trusted to deliver?

-Jonathan Sheppard, Coomber Road, Brighton