Your front-page report (The Argus, June 11) painted a picture of the Greens as football killjoys but, let's face it, the planning meeting was a con to keep us Seagulls fans onside - for the time being.

Why? You don't have to support the Greens to see that even the most boorish Whitehall planners and diehard football supporters would find it hard to justify concreting over part of the proposed National Park to form an unsightly coach park to be used, perhaps, 25 times a year.

They might even object to slinging a flyover across the main road to form a junction at an as yet unidentified spot.

To cap it all, Brighton and Hove City Council's controlling party want an inquiry to agree to a road being driven straight through Stanmer Park. If that is not enough, there is a £14 million hole in the accounts, so it is a mystery how this dead-in-the-water scheme will be funded.

We are going to have our hopes dashed when the plan is rejected by an inquiry and then the Greens and other objectors will prove to have been the only people in the city acting with integrity and common sense on this matter.

-Geoffrey Bowden, Sussex Square, Kemp Town