A group of Sussex activists will take part in two national protests as part of Refugee Week.

The group will travel to Harmondsworth Detention Centre, near Heathrow airport, on Saturday to demonstrate against the Government's detention of asylum seekers.

The following Saturday they will march through London as part of a national demonstration against attacks on asylum seekers.

Rebecca Shtasel, of the Brighton and Hove Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers, said the campaigners wanted to voice their opposition to government policy, which they believe stigmatises refugees.

She said: "Everyone should remember that asylum seekers are refugees from the brutal regimes and the terrible conflicts we watch on our television sets.

"Our group opposes government policy that incarcerates them in detention centres and takes away their dignity.

"After the recent onslaught on asylum seekers from the Government and Press, it is vital people raise their voices in protest and make these demonstrations as big as possible.

"We want sensationalist reporting of the issue to end and urge the Government to stop scapegoating refugees for all this country's social ills."

To book a seat on a minibus leaving Brighton for this Saturday's protest, call 01273 540717.

Tickets for a coach from Brighton to the London protest are available from the Peace Centre, Gardner Street, Brighton.