On reading Carrie Buckle's story about the new Hollywood film Dark Blue World (The Argus, May 6), my mind went back more than 50 years to the Second World War.

My brother Arthur was called up in the early days and trained in Canada with the RAF.

On returning to this country, he was stationed at Tangmere and served with the Czech Squadron as a flight mechanic.

In casual conversation when on leave one time, he remembered he had worked on the plane piloted by the famous

Czech air-ace Karel Kuttelwascher. Over the years the name eluded my memory. The only part I remembered was Karel until I read this story.

Sadly, my brother passed away two years ago but if his wife, children or grandchildren read this, they should be proud he served with such a distinguished airman and may be inclined to see the film.

-Frank Edwards, Craven Road, Brighton