I would like to apologise to Paul Moorman (Letters, April 26) for the errors in my letter to him and the delay in responding.

I would not want people to forget the main issue here, however, which is Brighton and Hove City Council was responding to a car parked on yellow lines.

This is illegal and has been a real problem in Brighton and Hove. Since the new Parking enforcement came into operation last July, there have been noticeable improvements, making it safer for everyone to get around.

The scheme has also been successful in reducing bus journey times and improving emergency-vehicle access within the city. Dangerous and inconsiderate parking is being tackled.

In Brighton and Hove, 67 per cent of road traffic accidents occur at junctions. Parking is a contributory factor in many of these accidents.

The council continually strives to improve its service to the public in this area.

New staff are in place and trained to respond to the challenges involved and are always happy to receive comments from the public.

As a result of Mr Moorman's complaint, the council will be reviewing its procedures and providing additional training where necessary.

-Jenny Rowlands, Environment Director, Brighton and Hove City Council