We are being reminded at every turn these days of Brighton and Hove's bid for European Capital of Culture and it may be pertinent to suggest that since the wellbeing of the citizens and absence of continual mugging and robbery are very much the culture of any city, perhaps we should concentrate first on getting these things right.

The Government's own surveys have shown both the National Health Service and the police in this city to be at the very bottom of performance so, perhaps, it would be more useful to spend the money used to present this fantasy on these crucial elements of culture.

The outrageous council tax this year is evidence enough of bad management but the 18 per cent hike for the police beggars any rational assessment.

Perhaps this council is keen to follow the widespread practice today among politicians and industrial and business leaders that the more they bring their organisations to their knees, the more they are rewarded.

We should all be grateful that May will soon be upon us.

-R.A. Hopper, Hove Park Road, Hove