I am a visitor to Haywards Heath and Lindfield and am astounded by the stupidity of the local council planners.

Firstly, they have installed a toddlers' playground right alongside a very busy and fast road, namely Barn Cottage Lane, Haywards Heath.

This playground used to be over on the other side of the field, far away from the main road.

Not only that but also there are no playground warning signs or traffic-calming measures.

On football days, cars are parked on both sides of the road and on one side, nearest the playground, they are parked all over the pavement.

It is dangerous for children to cross the road at the best of times but football time poses a downright threat to the safety and wellbeing of these children.

Also, visitors to the high pavilion on the same green cause parking problems by parking on the pavement too.

I hope something is done to alleviate this problem before the almost certain injury or even death of a child rather than afterwards.

-R W Crowhurst, Coldean, Brighton