Brighton and Hove City Council is not seeking a "grandiose scheme" for the King Alfred leisure centre, as Mrs I Young suggested (Letters, February 19).

The council is seeking to replace or refurbish the existing sports centre to provide significantly higher-quality facilities based on an up-to-date view of which sports the city needs.

If built new, a centre would cost £16-£20 million. The council does not have this sort of money available.

The Brighton Dome was completely different, perhaps the last of the very large awards from the Heritage Arts and Lottery funds.

There is no chance of securing a comparable amount for the King Alfred site. The council has checked.

The only way to raise the required sums is to use part of the site for a residential development plus, perhaps, a doctor's surgery and small-scale commercial activity such as a few shops or cafes.

The city has an acute housing shortage. Under council rules, a proportion would have to be affordable homes.

-Coun Mike Middleton, Chairman, King Alfred task group