Like Rachel Joce, I am concerned about the issues regarding the MMR vaccination (The Argus, January 24).

My eldest daughter, now eight, developed an autistic spectrum disorder following her first MMR jab at the age of 14 months.

Within a few weeks of receiving the pre-school booster at the age of four, she was treated at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Brighton for a severe bowel blockage.

My son, now six, also has special needs which are believed to be within the autistic spectrum. He, too, had the first MMR jab.

My youngest daughter, now four, has not had the MMR vaccine and - surprise, surprise - she has no special needs whatsoever.

I can assure Ms Joce the decision not to have my youngest vaccinated was not taken "lightly".

I would rather believe in the evidence of my own family's experience than of the results of so-called independent research funded by the pharmaceutical companies who make huge profits from vaccines.

I am sure if Mrs Joce had my family's experience regarding MMR she would not be so confident about its safety.

-Paul David Holden, Lynchet Close, Hollingdean