I have a granddaughter living on her own with two young children who is on benefit. Because she is in arrears with rent, through no fault of hers but a cock-up by the DSS, she has been served with an eviction order to vacate her flat by December 18.

The flat is owned by Chichester DHA. So much for the compassion of the Church - to throw a family out a week before Christmas absolutely stinks.

Had she been an asylum-seeker, the establishment would have fallen over backwards to give her everything available. The same goes for the unfortunate people living rough on the streets. The true Brit comes second in this country.

I fought for this country during the Second World War and was proud to be British but now I am afraid I am not.

Never again would I lift a finger to help this country. Over the past few years, it has gone to the dogs, through a combination of government, the do-gooders and the politically correct brigade.

What a wonderful Christmas my granddaughter's family is going to have - especially the two youngsters. Thanks, Mr Blair, I hope you enjoy your Christmas too.

-Jack Todd, Hove