Restoring the West Pier in Brighton is proving to be a more difficult task than even the most pessimistic preservationist could have imagined.

Even though the West Pier Trust got the promise of £14 million from the National Lottery four years ago, little work has been carried out on the ailing structure.

One reason for this is the need to provide two large buildings on either side of the pier to make restoration viable.

It is only now that a developer, St Modwen, has put up proposals for these buildings that most people are realising the size and extent of them.

St Modwen has been right to recognise widespread local concerns and alter the design of them in a bid to make the development more acceptable.

But it can't change the overall scope of them much and councillors will have to decide whether or not to approve them.

The truth is that if they turn them down, they can kiss goodbye to the pier.