The installation of speed humps in Woodland Drive has the effect of diverting traffic through Goldstone Crescent North with unpleasant results for the residents.

Last Friday, a traffic jam occurred in Goldstone Crescent involving a bus and thoughtlessly-parked visitors' cars.

Instead of following the example of southbound traffic - either waiting or by-passing the jam by using the adjoining diversionary roads - the northbound traffic simply drove, quite fast, along the pavement for some 200 yards, inches from drive exits and with the obvious danger to young and elderly people living there, including residents of a home for the mentally handicapped.

While trying to point out an alternative route to the lead car, I was physically brushed aside in its impatience.

This section of Goldstone Crescent has become a rat-run for vehicles joining and leaving the motorway and is likely to be subject to an increase of this problem.

The traffic-calming scheme for this area needs to be reviewed before the heavier traffic flow in Goldstone Crescent results in a serious accident.

-W Robertson, Goldstone Crescent, Hove