A new ride called The Megadrop is likely to get planning permission.

Owners of the Palace Pier in Brighton want to put the ride at the end of the landmark.

But pier bosses have dropped plans for an attraction called The Booster, which would have been nearby.

The Megadrop would take people on a platform to the top of a 100ft tower and release it so they drop at speed.

Just before the bottom, a brake is applied.

No objections have been made to the plan by either English Heritage or the Conservation Area Advisory Group.

But the Kingscliffe Society says the ride will worsen what it calls the "existing mess at the head of the pier".

Brighton and Hove City Council's planning officer David Vickers said councillors had to bear in mind the result of a planning appeal two years ago in which an inspector allowed large rides on the pier.

He added: "The Megadrop is much higher but significantly less bulky than the roller coaster rides that currently dominate the head of the Palace Pier."

Mr Vickers said the slender nature of the construction would not cause harm, either to the pier or the Valley Gardens conservation area.