I deplore the bitterness of Voice Of The Argus after the referendum results were announced.

As Allies For Democracy, we consist of representatives of the four main political parties with support from small businesses, trade unions and many individuals.

You call us a rabble but many of us have been elected councillors by the people of our towns.

Leaders of the Yes campaign have not got that democratic mandate.

The votes cast speak for themselves. Some 62 per cent, over 37,000, said No and only 37 per cent wanted a directly-elected mayor.

We campaigned in the streets and shopping centres with leaflets and spoke to everyone we could. Most folk had made up their minds and needed no persuasion.

In spite of a confusing ballot paper and a loaded question, the citizens of Brighton and Hove made their views known convincingly.

It should be known the Government limits us to six committees - hardly a "quagmire". The only big businesses we attacked were the firms wanting to run public services who funded the Yes campaign.

We want a thriving city with businesses working with us for the common good. We believe we can achieve this and further democracy through an open committee system.

I trust The Argus will respect the will of the people, will refrain from personal attacks and can comment on political matters without such negative bias.

-Coun Francis Tonks, Joint Chairman, Allies For Democracy, Brighton and Hove City Council