David Panter, new chief executive of Brighton and Hove City Council, has made a bold move within the first fortnight of his arrival.

The easy option in dealing with the crisis-hit refuse service would have been to let new operators Serviceteam take it over at a greatly increased price.

Instead, the council has opted for an in-house service and Mr Panter has taken personal responsibility for running it.

Rubbish collection and street sweeping has been an intractable problem in Brighton and Hove for more than a decade. Three successive operators have admitted defeat and the old Brighton Council had constant clashes with the unions.

Mr Panter sees clearly the clue to success is getting the workforce on the council's side and has made strenuous efforts to achieve this.

There's some goodwill among the men because they would rather work for the council than another private operator.

If Mr Panter can get the streets clean, he will deserve the thanks of the whole city.

It's vital he succeeds, for failure would mean no one would take on the city's rubbish problems without making the council pay a huge price in more ways than one.