What a splendid idea to have a column written by Gordon Dean, reviving old memories of films and support actors of the Thirties and Forties.

He's certainly reminded me of those halcyon days of my youth when I was an avid cinema-goer.

For many years, I have been trying to find out about a film I saw, in those far-off days, which left a lasting impression on me.

It was called Just Imagine and although I've asked many people of my age group - late 70s - I've drawn a blank, so much so I wondered if I had imagined it.

So, after reading Mr Dean's contribution on September 24, I decided to contact him.

To my utter amazement, he said he was sure he could help.

I received a letter the following day with written details of the cast and music and a brief scenario of the film.

It was made in 1930 and tells of a man dying and then being brought back to life in 1980.

He can't adjust to how things have changed in those 50 years and his continuing cry throughout the film is: "Oh, for the good old days!".

I remember this so well. What interest Just Imagine would create if it was shown now.

Mr Dean has made one regular reader very happy to have, at long last, the answer to a puzzle that has niggled away for years.

Grateful thanks to The Argus for printing this and for Gordon Dean for supplying the details.

A very knowledgeable and courteous gentleman, long may his letters continue.

-Mrs Doreen Blake, Hollingdean Terrace, Brighton