I am pleased the Reverend John Webster believes his god is looking after him.

Perhaps he would tell us where his god was on September 11. He certainly was nowhere near New York when more than 6,000 of his "specks" were murdered, nor was around during the Vietnam, Korean or Second World wars when millions of his "specks" were killed.

What kind of religion is it where you have to be a mass murderer to enter paradise?

As an atheist, I don't believe in a god or heaven but I don't believe I can be as evil as I like because there is no heaven to go to.

If there is a god, he must be an evil one who takes pleasure from watching people die, or else why are there so many murders every day? Why do so many children die every day? Why are there so many people dying of starvation throughout the world?

No, sir, you will never persuade me that there is a god. Show me one good thing your god has done and the proof he did it and I will show you a million bad things he hasn't.

-C Wadey, Ridgeway Close, Southwick