We will be the only city in the country to revert to a committee system if the referendum goes against an ejected mayor.

Bearing in mind the track record of the committee system, the mind boggles.

Which committee was responsible for the refuse contract (or indeed the one before or the one before that)?

Which committee was responsible for the parking scheme and which committee is responsible for procrastinating on a home for the Albion?

Which committee decided not to investigate scandalous behaviour in our rest homes and which committee gives hundreds of thousands of pounds of our money to lunatic projects and groups every year while the town is flooded with beggars and scroungers?

Which committee stands idly by while hard-working people get rubbish wages and can't afford to rent a room in Brighton and Hove, let alone buy a home - even if there were homes available?

I want to know who to blame for all these things. At the moment, I can only blame "the council" but I can't name a single one of the faceless idiots and I don't notice any of them owning up to being members of any of these committees.

-Julian Hunt, Freshfield Road, Brighton