Is there no limit to the Palace Pier's obsession with fireworks? Why was 10.30pm last Tuesday judged a suitable occasion for making a noise like a prolonged artillery bombardment?

Many people must have wondered, like me, whether a terrorist attack was occurring. With the nation still in a subdued mood following the US atrocities and the pier's own flags still flying at half mast, it seemed a wholly inappropriate moment for festivities of this kind. Once again, pier manager David Beisterfield would seem to be out of touch with public feeling.

Without wanting to seem a spoilsport, I suggest the pier has far too many of these noisy firework displays. Fireworks should be confined to special occasions such as Guy Fawkes Day and public holidays. Mr Beisterfield has been holding firework displays every weekend throughout the summer and they have become wearisome. I also suggest to prevent people letting off fireworks at all hours they be banned outside certain agreed days and hours, except under licence from the council.

-Charles Newman, Manchester Street, Brighton