Many people build up a picture of asylum seekers as people prepared to lie their way into this country so they can then live on benefits.

It's an absurd generalisation but one which is widely believed because some of them do fall into this category.

Many do not and one is 19-year-old Ruzhdi Nela, who escaped three years ago from Albania into Britain.

Since then he has been working hard earning reasonable money for his age and he has never claimed any social security.

He has also married an English girl who loves him and they are now expecting a baby.

Ruzhdi, now settled in Brighton and Hove, has been told by the Home Office that he must return to Albania.

He intends to appeal and has the full support of his new wife and their family for the forthcoming tribunal.

There is a case for saying that Ruzhdi would suffer persecution if he went back to Albania and there is evidence from his own family which could support that.

But the far stronger point in his favour is that he has proved to be a model, hard-working and much-loved citizen since arriving here with nothing.

He may have broken the rules but he's the sort of immigrant this country should welcome.