Extra lifeguards and seafront officers were drafted in during the bank holiday weekend to curb watercraft skiers from endangering swimmers.

Instead of using the allocated lanes in the sea at Hove, the culprits have been whizzing past swimmers at speeds of up to 60mph in order to pose.

Coastguards, swimmers and beach-goers are fed up of watching these grown men showing off their expensive toys.

They are not only endangering those around them but also making a rather sad spectacle of themselves.

It's all so un-English. Brighton and Hove beach is more suited to the odd lilo and paddling toddler than high-powered toys with oiled men at the helm.

The watercraft skiers often some so close to the beach they drown out conversations as well as swimmers with the noise.

When visitors to our city finally make it to our beaches, the revving noises continue accompanied by the odd scream as the show-offs screech past.

In the rarity of a sunny bank holiday we should be able to savour a quiet family day at the seaside without worrying about coming to a sticky end while taking a dip.

Skiers should be fined for straying into shallow waters before a serious accident takes place.