Farmers and the Opposition are demanding a public inquiry into the outbreak of foot and mouth disease and there are many theories, some of them conspiratorial, as to how the disease began.

While I am no friend of the Government, am I the only person in Britain to have noticed the disease started just in time to affect the Government's chances of re-election? A re-election that was virtually in the bag.

Apparently, it takes about four or five years for a public inquiry to be completed, taking us up to just before the next general election.

It is important to remember the Government made its decisions on advice from the Civil Service.

It is also important to remember it was the National Farmers' Union who were fiercely against vaccination, not the Government.

Whatever form of investigation is used, let us hope for truth and transparency and what is best for farm animals in the future and that the Opposition will not use the opportunity as a dubious and shabby political point-scoring exercise.

-Liz Taylor, Furze Road, High Salvington, Worthing