Thank you for the hilarious front-page report (Argus, July 12) regarding the traffic plans for Worthing and Lancing.

Presumably, these new ideas come from the same funny farm that gave us the useless mini-roundabout at the end of a cul-de-sac in the middle of Lancing but, just in case anyone might be tempted to believe these people have any idea what they are talking about, please allow me to make the following points:

Traffic-calming measures can only be applied to moving vehicles. The basic problem with the A27 is that, from east and west, the dual carriageway becomes a 30mph single carriageway. The result is traffic back-up - hardly rocket science, is it?

"Rat runs" only exist because the main road is inadequate and buses (usually almost empty) cause more traffic problems than they solve.

Despite the best efforts of Gordon Brown and John Prescott, it remains cheaper for me to take my wife to and from work in our 4-litre Jaguar than it is for her to use the rotten bus service. So where's the incentive? And what is the point of putting traffic lights at roundabouts? It's like putting wheels on a football - a guarantee that neither element will work.

All this insanity is to be ours for the paltry sum of only £5 million. Why not hold a competition to see if any Argus readers can come up with even sillier ways of spending £5 million? It would be quite a challenge.

-David Neal, Lynchmere Avenue, Lancing