Once again, the majestic seagull is vilified for doing what comes naturally to parents of any species - protecting its young.

The frenzy whipped up by people for the seagull in Seaford to be killed comes as no surprise because, far from being a country of animal lovers, the majority of people in Britain are hypocrites when it comes to "caring" for their fellow creatures.

No effort at all was made to try to move the bird and its chicks, either by the local Lewes Council or the RSPB.

The Argus comes out of this shameful episode with no great credit either, showing its true colours by making light of the execution of these beautiful birds by including a question about the events in the weekly Newsquiz (July 7).

Finally, let's not forget, the seagull was here a long time before Seaford even appeared on the map, so who really invaded whose territory?

-Norman Rayner, Crabtree Lane, Lancing