The time has come to make Brighton and Hove City Council listen to Woodingdean residents.

We are fed up with the hideous old Sunblest site in Bexhill Road. It is disgusting.

The council erected "keep our village tidy" signs on approach roads into Woodingdean, yet here we are, still with these terrible, unsightly derelict factories. We need a leisure centre and housing, not these eyesores. They are dangerous.

We demand the council listens to the residents of this village and takes them down now. A petition calling for the demolition of these eyesores has been welcomed by the residents and is to be presented to the mayor of Brighton and Hove on July 19.

The council should do as its signs state and give us back our tidy village. Any residents in Woodingdean who would like to sign the petition will find copies in the Co-op store and Threshers off-licence, Warren Way, and the newsagent's in Cowley Drive, Woodingdean. They have until July 16 to sign.

-Name and address supplied