Lin and Terry Scott's battle for access for disabled people to Preston Park was reported and photographed misleadingly (Argus, June 14).

Contrary to what was claimed, the caf in Preston Park is not particularly inaccessible.

It is only a short distance from the car park, along a very accessible path which is not an incline of any kind.

It is also not a case of putting dogs before the disabled. I walk my dogs in Preston Park almost every day and am angered by all the vehicles that come into the park every time the gate is opened.

Most vehicles go tearing along, endangering dogs and children, in particular. One dog has been run over already.

Myself and others have had to stand in front of vehicles to slow them down.

I have never seen a disabled sticker in any vehicle to date. I respect the rights of disabled people and, if there were a system which only allowed vehicle access for the disabled and other essential vehicles and a strict speed limit I would not have a problem.

A park is the only space in a city where dogs and children can run and play freely and safely.

It certainly shouldn't be a place where cars are allowed to speed all day long.

-Carol Boyes, Loder Road, Brighton